Monday, September 25, 2006

no answering the phone

i've never really been partial to phones, anyone that's known me for a week knows that. cause i just... dont like them. i dont like talking on the telephone. i like person to person talking. it's just... i can charm people with my witty remarks better if they can see my silly faces.
so, again, i'm broken. wrist kills, and yet, it doesn't stop me from typing and playing the keyboard. what's wrong with me. i hate myself. i must.
i stayed up till 4am last.... this morning. and woke up at 10. i turned off my alarm then closed my eyes, to just take a "rest" and ended up sleeping till 10:44am, and had to dress and pick up yasmine before dashing to class... i like that, dashing to class. it's feels nice on the tongue.
say it.
i control you.
so pb and j used to be my favorite thing in the world. now it kinda makes me sick to my stomach.
maybe it's just the vanilla soy milk...
no. it's the sandwich.
also, the peanut butter sat in my car for like a month while i was in spain and on tour. is that gross? it was closed obviously.
omg! when i came back from touring, my car had a like an intricate spider's web inside. i looked for the spider, but it seemed to not exist.
good thing i've got my trust volvo now :) i love that thing. and the stereo is insanely loud for a little ole volvo.
gosh. it makes me happy.
so does dignan . they're really good.
as well as midnight juggernauts, i wanted to keep them to myself, but since barely anyone will read this i guess it's ok to share right? i like their raised by wolves song. it's nice. makes me happy inside as well.
i've decided i'm very lucky. no matter what happens in my life. I've so privileged. i've finally escaped the country last summer, as well as been to hawaii finally, gone on tour, made a documentary (which i should eventually work on finishing). i've met so many amazing people.

and i'm thinking about going to this school in london. it's far. i know. but i want to go.
either there or new york.
ok. that's all.
also i'm still not doin too well on the lyric thing. not sure what's wrong with me. i think i'm trying too hard. for once, haha. it used to be soooo easy.

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