Tuesday, March 25, 2008

oh, i do believe. :)

I have decided that being single when i turn 21 is going to be one of the most awesome things in the world.  i think it'll be good, it'll be nice.

i suddenly have had a really positive attitude about my upcoming birthday. before i was a little disappointed that it wasn't going to be the big hurrah i thought a 21st should be.
but, this weekend i jacuzzi-ed with some awesome people. you know how you meet someone and you feel some weird connection with them? like, geeze, this person is so awesome, i cannot wait to be friends with them. i met a really cool gal that is 21 and just HAPPENS to be in town the same weekend of my birthday, and since we got along so well, she and my other amazing friend, shauntis, are going to come and help me celebrate my 21st the RIGHT way. in bars and dancing the night away in clubs.
i am STOKED, to say the least.

it was just pure luck that i went to the jacuzzi that night and shauntis invited me to share in her night.
that night was awesome. it was me and three other girls, and shauntis, being the always gracious hostess that she is, had champagne, chocolate, and strawberries for us all to indulge in, while we sat in the jacuzzi and soothed ourselves in it's steaming water.
and we talked for hours, about life, about ex's, about new guys, about sex, and love, and life and school, and getting 'big girl' jobs. it was just what i needed after an 'interesting' easter with my mother.

and, i saw a shooting star. a huge, illuminated ball of light slowly making it's way to earth, just out of view of the girls i was with. and it felt... special, like it was a sign of change. is that stupid? i don't think so. i believe in signs... some signs. and this was for sure a sign.

a good one. ;)

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